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2023.12.12草种创新与草地农业生态系统全国重点实验室青年论坛第65期——Michelle Roper博士

发布时间:2023-12-11 字体大小 T |T

应304am永利集团和草种创新与草地农业生态系统全国重点实验室邀请,新西兰梅西大学纪维红教授团队Michelle Roper博士将于20231212日在304am永利集团做学术报告。欢迎广大师生积极参加!


题目:Bioacoustics in the Southern Hemisphere: Behaviour and Conservation Values

时间:1212(星期二)  下午16:00-18:00






Dr Michelle Roper is a Research Officer and behavioural ecologist in the Zoology & Ecology Group at Massey University Auckland. She obtained her PhD at Massey University in 2019 where she studied the differences between males and females in their song development, song repertoires, and syrinx (vocal organ) structure in the korimako (New Zealand bellbird). In 2020, she began her postdoctoral research at Massey University on the relationship between vocal complexity and syrinx structure in Australasian honeyeaters. She has worked on a number of bioacoustics projects, including topics on cultural diversity. Her research continues to focus on the ontogeny, structure and production of female birdsong within the context of the life history of songbirds to establish the groundwork needed to understand the function and evolution of birdsong.

