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发布时间:2022-03-02 字体大小 T |T



主要从事土壤微生物与土壤健康相关研究,重点关注土壤微生物在肥料-土壤-植物系统中的行为特征与影响机制、以及根系分泌物介导的植物-微生物过程与机制等方面,研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications,New Phytologist,Molecular Ecology, mSystems, Environ Microbiol, Soil Biol Biochem,等主流刊物上发表文章90余篇,他引3500余次,现H指数为33。2021年入选“2020全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists 2020)。

Email: lingn@lzu.edu.cn 或 nling@njau.edu.cn



2007.9-2012.6  南京农业大学 资环学院 植物营养学系硕博连读,获农学博士学位

2003.9-2007.6  南京农业大学 资环学院 农业资源与环境专业,获农学学士学位



2012.06-2014.12  南京农业大学(资源与环境科学学院) 讲师;

2018.10-2019.09  Université de Rennes 1, France  访问学者;

2015.01-2019.12  南京农业大学(资源与环境科学学院) 副教授;

2020.01-2021.12  南京农业大学(资源与环境科学学院) 教授。

2022.01-:            304am永利集团  草地微生物研究中心  教授






4,2020.01-2023.12,INFEWS: US-China: 高湿废弃物与全球循环经济:水热裂解促进食物-能源-水系统可持续循环(41961124005),国家自然科学基金委,250(50)万元,参加




European Journal of Soil Biology编委 / Land degradation & development副编辑 / 中国土壤学会土壤肥力与肥力专业委员会副主任



1)   Ling N*, Wang TT, Kuzyakov Y* (2022) Rhizosphere bacteriome structure and functions. Nature Communications 13: 836 (*通讯作者)

2)   Xu QC, Luo GW, Guo JJ, Xiao Y, Zhang FG, Guo SW, Ling N*, Shen QR (2022) Microbial generalist or specialist: intraspecific variation and dormancy potential matter. Molecular Ecology 31: 161-173 (*通讯作者)

3)   Guo JJ, Ling N*, Li Y, Li KS, Ning HL, Shen QR, Guo SW, Vandenkoornhuyse P (2021) Seed-borne, endospheric and rhizospheric core microbiota as predictor for plant functional traits across rice cultivars are dominated by deterministic processes. New Phytologist 230: 2047?2060 (*通讯作者)

4)   Liu WB, Ling N*, Luo GW, Guo JJ, Zhu C, Xu QC, Liu MQ, Shen QR, Guo SW (2021) Active phoD-harboring bacteria are enriched by long-term organic fertilization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 152: 108071 (*通讯作者)

5)   Luo GW, Xue C, Jiang QH, Xiao Y, Zhang FG, Guo SW, Shen QR, Ling N* (2020) Soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling microbial populations and their resistance to global change depend on soil C:N:P stoichiometry. mSystems 5:e00162-20. (*通讯作者)

6)   Guo JJ, Ling N*, Chen ZJ, Li L, Liu LS, Gao LM, Wang M, Ruan JY, Guo SW, Vandenkoornhuyse P, Shen QR (2019). Soil fungal assemblage complexity is dependent on soil fertility and dominated by deterministic processes. New Phytologist 226: 232-243. (*通讯作者)

7)   Luo GW, Sun B, Li L, Li MH, Liu MQ, Zhu YY, Guo SW, Ling N*, Shen QR (2019). Understanding how long-term organic amendments increase soil phosphatase activities: Insight into phoD- and phoC-harboring functional microbial populations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 139: 107632. (*通讯作者)

8)   Kong Y, Ling N*, Xue C, Chen H, Ruan Y, Guo J, Zhu C, Wang M, Shen QR, & Guo SW (2019). Long-term fertilization regimes change soil nitrification potential by impacting active autotrophic ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers as assessed by DNA stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology, 21(4): 1224-1240 (*通讯作者)

9)   Luo G, Rensing C, Chen H, Liu M, Wang M, Guo S, Ling N*, Shen QR (2018) Deciphering the associations between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality driven by long-term fertilization management. Functional Ecology 32: 1103-1116. (*通讯作者)

10)  Ling N, Zhu C, Xue C, Chen H, Duan YH, Peng C, Guo SW, Shen QR. 2016, Insight into how organic amendments can shape the soil microbiome in long-term field experiments as revealed by network analysis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 99: 137-149



