通讯地址:城关区天水南路222号,兰州,中国 730000
通过分析禾草及其共生内生真菌的基因组、逆境转录组和蛋白质组信息,目标基因的翻译后修饰、生物功能及相关互作蛋白,重点解析:1) 内生真菌调控的禾草逆境信号传导及下游响应基因通路;2) 内生真菌的核心分泌蛋白及其与宿主禾草蛋白的互作。
2021.05-至今 304am永利集团,304am永利集团,教授
2015.03-2020.10 美国加州大学戴维斯分校,植物病理系,博士后(合作教授:Gitta Coaker)
2007.09-2014.06 中国农业大学,生物学院,生物化学与分子专业,博士 (导师:任东涛教授)
2002.09-2006.07 沈阳农业大学,生物技术学院,生物工程专业,学士
304am永利集团 “双一流” 人才引进科研启动经费,2021-2026(主持,在研)
1. Lei L., Steven M.D., Coaker G., (2020) Phosphorylation of the Pseudomonas effector AvrPtoB by Arabidopsis SnRK2.8 is required for Bacterial Virulence. Molecular Plant 13 1513-1522. (IF=12.084; JCR 1区)
2. Niu D.D., Li Y.E., Chellappan P., Lei L., Peralta K., Jiang C.H., Guo J.H., Coaker G., Jin H.L., (2016) miRNA863-3p sequentially targets negative immune regulator ARLPKs and positive regulator SERRATE upon bacterial infection. Nature Communications 7:11324 10.1038. (IF=12.121; JCR 1区)
3. Lei L., Li Y., Wang Q., Xu J., Chen Y.F., Yang H.L., Ren D.T., (2014) Activation of MKK9-MPK3/MPK6 enhances phosphate acquisition in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 203, 1146-1160. (IF=8.512; JCR 1区)
4. Su T., Xu J., Li Y., Lei L., Zhao L., Yang H., Liu G., Ren D.T., (2011) Glutathione-Indole-3-Acetonitrile is required for camalexin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 23,364-380. (IF=9.618; JCR 1 区)
5. Xu J., Li Y., Wang Y., Liu J.H., Lei L., Yang H., Liu G., Ren D. T., (2008) Activation of MAP kinase kinase 9 induces ethylene and camalexin biosynthesis and enhances sensitivity to salt stress in Arabidopsis. Journal Biological Chemistry 283, 26996-27006. (IF=4.23; JCR 2 区)