Title: ZxSKOR is important for salinity and drought tolerance of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum by maintaining K+ homeostasis
Authors: Jing Hu, Qing Ma, Tanweer Kumar, Hui-Rong Duan, Jin-Lin Zhang, Hui-Jun Yuan, Qian Wang, Sardar Ali Khan, Pei Wang, Suo-Min Wang *
Journal: Plant Growth Regulation
Impact Factor: 1.672
Abstract: As an important nutrient element, K+ plays a crucial role in plant stress resistance. It was reported that the stelar K+ outward rectifying channel (SKOR) is involved in loading K+ into xylem for its transport from roots to shoots. Zygophyllum xanthoxylum, a succulent woody xerophyte, could maintain stable K+ concentration in leaves to adapt to salt and arid environments. Here we characterized ZxSKOR from Z. xanthoxylum, ZxSKOR expression patterns and Na+ and K+ accumulation in Z. xanthoxylum treated with various concentrations of KCl and NaCl and -0.5 MPa osmotic stress were investigated in order to assess the contribution of ZxSKOR to K+ homeostasis. The results showed that ZxSKOR was predominantly expressed in roots and stems rather than in leaves. Its expression levels in roots and stems increased significantly accompanied by an increase in K+ concentration in leaves when plants were exposed to 5