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Pratacultural Informatics

发布时间:2013-12-14 字体大小 T |T
This course will provide a thorough introduction to the theory and application of GIS, and the use and operation of the ArcGIS software package. Topics will include an introduction to GIS, spatial data models, map projections and coordinate systems, data entry, global positioning system (GPS), aerial photographs and satellite images, metadata, databases, vector and raster spatial analyses, map making, and a description of spatial analysis, spatial statistics, geostatistical analysis, 3D analysis, and geoprocessing. The emphasis in this course is on understanding the underlying principles of those tools and how to apply them to solve real world problems. Once nine weeks lab exercise, and a term long class project are important portions of the class which will really help you practice what you learned from the class.
No prerequisites, though basic computer skills required.

Dr. Tiangang Liang, Email: tgliang@lzu.edu.cn, Tel: 0931-8915306.
State Key laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Pasture Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, /
Teaching Assistant: Xiaodong Huang (huangxd@lzu.edu.cn).
Office Hours:
Dr. Huang: By appointment at room Building BiYe 409
Lecture and Lab: Lecture on Tuesday 09:00-12:30 am, roomB304. and lab on Thursday 09:00-12:30 am after sixth weeks of this semester.
kang-tsung Chang, Introduction to Geographic Information System, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) Co.
Grade Policy:
The final grade for the course will be determined as below:
Lab exercises 40%
Final exam 60%

·         Active class participation and exceptional performance in term project will be rewarded with extra credits. However, if you miss a class without permission (prior to the class), you will loss 2 point (based on 100 points) per missing class.
·         Quizzes will be given occasionally (no prior notice) and will be extra credits (maximum 5 pts) towards to your final grade.
Course Outline:
1.        GIS concepts and data model (Chapter 1-4)
  Introduction to GIS
  Coordinate system
  Vector data model
  Raster data model
2.        Data input, editing and management (Chapter 5-8)
  Geometric transformation
  Spatial data editing
  Attribute data input and management
3.        Data display and exploration (Chapter 9-10)
  Data display and cartography
  Data exploration
4.        Core data analysis (Chapter 11-12)
  Vector data analysis
  Raster data analysis
  Comparison of Vector - and Raster-based data analysis
5.        Surface mapping and analysis (Chapter 13-15)
  Terrain mapping and analysis
  Viewsheds and watersheds
  Spatial interpolation
6.        Analysis of movement and linear features (Chapter 16-17)
  Geocoding and dynamic segmentation
  Path analysis
7.        GIS model and modeling (Chapter 18)
  Basic elements of GIS modeling
  Binary models
  Index models
  Regression models
  Process models