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截止目前,共发表科研论文58篇,以通讯作者或第一作者共发表SCI论文26篇,中文核心论文10篇,教学文章1篇。主持国家自然科学基金2项,甘肃省自然基金1项。授权国家发明专利3项,主编地方标准1项,参编行业标准2项,参编国家标准10项,参编英文专著1部。获得304am永利集团2020年“课程思政”示范课程比赛二等奖,2020年304am永利集团学生创新创业行动计划优秀指导教师,“领跑者5000 中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”奖励。



1. 紫花苜蓿和箭?豌豆种质资源收集与评价。

2. 结合基因组学、转录组学、重测序、分子生物学、细胞生物学及生理生化技术,挖掘紫花苜蓿和箭?豌响应逆境胁迫(干旱、盐、ABA、低温、铝、放牧)优异功能基因及解析分子机制。

3. 高产、优质和高抗紫花苜蓿和箭?豌豆新种质创制及新品种选育。



2006/09 - 2010/06,中国科学院植物研究所,中科院植物分子生理学重点实验室,发育生物学,博士,导师:曲乐庆研究员

2004/09 - 2006/06,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,客座研究学习,导师:李立会研究员

2003/09 - 2006/06,西北农林科技大学,农学,硕士,导师:王成社教授

1999/09 - 2003/06,西北农林科技大学,农学,学士




2012/06 - 2022/12,304am永利集团,304am永利集团,副教授

2018/03 - 2019/03,美国诺贝研究所,访问学者

2010/06 - 2012/06,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,博士后,合作导师:邱德文研究员



1.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:紫花苜蓿特有孤儿基因MsAOG155响应干旱胁迫的作用机制;项目编号:32271748 ;起止年月:2023.01-2026.12(主持)。

2.   甘肃省自然科学基金面上项目:MtmiR156/MtSPL14模块调控蒺藜苜蓿共生固氮分子机制;项目编号:20JR10RA622;起止年月:2021.02-2023.01(主持)。

3.   国家自然科学基金-国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-CGIAR):草木樨香豆素生物合成关键基因鉴定及半同胞家系种质创新;项目编号:32061143035;起止年月:2021.1-2025.12(参与)。

4.   中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)创建生态草牧业科技体系,任务“苜蓿耐旱性状全基因组关联分析”,编号:XDA26030103,起止年月:2020.11-2025.10(主持)。

5.   国家自然科学基金青年基金:紫花苜蓿FAD基因调控α-亚麻酸生物合成机制研究;项目编号:31502000;起止年月:2016.01-2018.12(主持)。

6.   中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:转录组水平紫花苜蓿响应铝胁迫分子机制研究;项目编号:lzujbky-2016-8;起至年月:2016.01-2017.06(主持)。

7.   中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:真菌蛋白激发子PevD1结构与功能的研究;项目编号:lzujbky-2013-82;起至年月:2013.01-2014.06(主持)。

8.   国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:草木樨香豆素生物合成关键基因鉴定及半同胞家系种质创新;项目编号:32061143035;起至年月:2021-01-01 至 2025-12-31(参与)。

9.   国家自然科学基金-面上项目:真菌蛋白激发子PevD1与烟草互作受体蛋白的鉴定及功能研究;项目编号:31272086;起止年月:2013.01-2016.12(参与)。

10.  农业技术试验示范(国家草品种区域试验)项目:苜蓿品种“三性”测试;项目编号:农财发[2013]49号;起至年月:2013.01-2014.12(参与)。

11.  国家自然科学基金:水稻谷蛋白由内质网向高尔基体运输调控因子研究;项目编号:30971562;起至年月:2010.01-2012.12(参与人)。

12.  国家自然科学基金:水稻种子中铁营养超富集的调控机制研究;项目编号:30700490;起至年月:2008.01-2010.12(参与人)。




1.   Xueyang Min, Qiuxia Wang, Zhenwu Wei, Zhipeng Liu*, Wenxian Liu*. Full-length transcriptional analysis reveals the complex relationship of leaves and roots in responses to cold-drought combined stress in common vetch. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, DOI:10.3389/fpls.2022.976094.

2.   Xiaoshan Lin, Qiuxia Wang, Xueyang Min, Wenxian Liu*, Zhipeng Liu*. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of root and leaf transcript profiles reveals the coordinated mechanisms in response to salinity stress in common vetch. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(15):8477.

3.   Mingyu Li, Lu Zhao, Qiang Zhou, Dong Luo, Wenxian Liu, Lain Rober Searle, Zhipeng Liu*. Transcriptome and coexpression network analyses provide in-sights into the molecular mechanisms of hydrogen cyanide synthesis during seed development in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(4):2275.

4.   Yuguo Wu, Dong Luo, Longfa Fang, Qiang Zhou, Wenxian Liu, Zhipeng Liu*. Bidirectional lncRNA transfer between Cuscuta parasites and their host plant. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(1):561.

5.   魏娜,李艳鹏,马艺桐,刘文献*. 全基因组水平紫花苜蓿 TCP 基因家族的鉴定及其在干旱胁迫下表达模式分析. 永利学报,2022, 31(1): 118-130.

6.   尹晓凡, 魏娜, 郑淑文, 刘文献*. 全基因组水平蒺藜苜蓿反转录转座子IRAP 分子标记开发及应用. 永利学报,2022, 31(1): 131-144.


7.   Yitong Ma, Na Wei, Qiuxia Wang, Zhipeng Liu*, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the heavy metal ATPase (HMA) gene family in Medicago truncatula under copper stress. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 193: 893-902. (IF2020=6.95, TOP).

8.   Qiuxia Wang, Na Wei, Xiaoyu Jin, Xueyang Min, Yitong Ma, Wenxian Liu*. Molecular characterization of the COPT/Ctr-type copper transporter family under heavy metal stress in alfalfa. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 181: 644-652. (IF2020=6.95, TOP).

9.   Zhengshe Zhang, Xiaoyu Jin, Zhipeng Liu, Jiyu Zhang, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide identification of FAD gene family and functional analysis of MsFAD3.1 involved in the accumulation of α-linolenic acid in alfalfa. Crop Science. 2021, 61: 566-579.

10.  Xingyi Wei, Yitong Ma, Qiuxia Wang, Yangpeng Li, Wenxian Liu*. Transcriptome-wide development and utilisation of novel intron-length polymorphic markers in common vetch (Vicia sativa subsp. sativa). Crop & Pasture Science. 2021, 72(12): 1048-1057.

11.  Boniface Ndayambaza, Xiaoyu Jin, Xueyang Min, Xiaoshan Lin, Xiaofan Yin, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the barrel medic (Medicago truncatula) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family under salt and drought stresses. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2021, 40(5): 2058-2078.

12.  Jun Pu, Mingyu Li, Pei Mao, Qiang Zhou, Wenxian Liu, Zhipeng Liu*. Genome-Wide Identification of the Q-type C2H2 Transcription factor family in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and expression analysis under different abiotic stresses. Genes. 2021, 12(12):1906.

13.  刘文献*。R绘图引导模式促进永利科学专业编程教学的探索与实践。永利科学. 2021, 38(3):598-604.


14.  Xueyang Min, Zhipeng Liu, Yangrong Wang, Wenxian Liu*. Comparative transcriptomic analysis provides insights into the coordinated mechanisms of leaves and roots response to cold stress in Common Vetch. Industrial Crops & Products. 2020, 158:112949. (1).

15.  Xueyang Min, Xiaoshan Lin, Boniface NDAYAMBAZA, Yanrong Wang*, Wenxian Liu*. Coordinated mechanisms of leaves and roots in response to drought stress underlying full-length transcriptome profiling in Vicia sativa L. BMC Plant Biology. 2020, 20:165

16.  Xueyang Min, Xiaoyu Jin, Zhengshe Zhang, Xingyi Wei, Boniface Ndayambaza, Yanrong Wang*, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide identification of NAC transcription factor family and functional analysis of the abiotic stress-responsive genes in Medicago sativa L. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2020, 39:324-337.Boniface Ndayambaza, Xiaoyu Jin, Xueyang Min, Xiaoshan Lin, Xiaofan Yin, . Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the barrel medic (Medicago truncatula) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factor family under salt and drought stresses. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2020, doi: 10.1007/s00344-020-10252-8.


17.  Xueyang Min, Honglin Wu, Zhengshe Zhang, Xingyi Wei, Xiaoyu Jin, Boniface Ndayambaza, Yanrong Wang*, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the aquaporin gene family in Medicago truncatula. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2019, 28(3):320-335.

18.  Xueyang Min, Xiaoyu Jin, Wenxian Liu*, Xingyi Wei, Zhengshe Zhang, Boniface Ndayambaza, Yanrong Wang*. Transcriptome-wide characterization and functional analysis of MATE transporters in response to aluminum toxicity in Medicago sativa L. PeerJ. 2019, 7:e6302.

19.  Xingyi Wei, Xiaoyu Jin, Boniface Ndayambaza, Xueyang Min, Zhengshe Zhang, Yanrong Wang, Wenxian Liu*. Transcriptome-wide characterization and functional identification of the aquaporin gene family during drought stress in common vetch. DNA and Cell Biology. 2019, 38(4), 374-384.

20.  Xiaoyu Jin, Xiaofan Yin, Boniface Ndayambaza, Zhengshe Zhang, Xueyang Min, Xiaoshan Lin, Yanrong Wang, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of the ERF gene family in Medicago sativa L. under various abiotic stresses. DNA and Cell Biology. 2019, 38(10), 1056-1068.

21.  Dong Luo, Yuguo Wu, Jie Liu, Qiang Zhou, Wenxian Liu, Yanrong Wang, Qingchuan Yang, Zengyu Wang* and Zhipeng Liu*. Comparative transcriptomic and physiological analyses of Medicago sativa L. indicates that multiple regulatory networks are activated during continuous ABA treatment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019, 20(1), 47.

22.  Dong Luo, Qiang Zhou, Yuguo Wu, Xutian Chai, Wenxian Liu, Yanrong Wang, Qingchuan Yang, Zengyu Wang, Zhipeng Liu*. Full-length transcript sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis to evaluate the contribution of osmotic and ionic stress components towards salinity tolerance in the roots of cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). BMC Plant Biology. 2019, 19(1), 32.

23.  闵学阳,韦兴?D,刘文献*,张正社,金小煜,NDAYAMBAZA Boniface,吴洪林,李昱,王彦荣*。箭?豌豆品种间遗传差异的SSR分析及指纹图谱构建。永利学报. 2019, 28(4):116-128.

24.  闵学阳,刘文献,王彦荣*,林晓珊,齐晓,张正社,聂斌。箭?豌豆新品种DUS测试指南研制—测试性状评价和参照品种筛选。永利学报. 2019,28(11):133-146.


25.  Zhengshe Zhang, Xingyi, Wei, Wenxian Liu*, Xueyang Min, Xiaoyu Jin, Boniface Ndayambaza, Yanrong Wang*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the fatty acid desaturase genes in Medicago truncatula. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2018, 499(2), 361-367.

26.  Qiang Zhou, Dong Luo, Xutian Chai, Yuguo Wu, Yanrong Wang, Zhibiao Nan, Qingchuan Yang, Wenxian Liu* and Zhipeng Liu*. Multiple regulatory networks are activated during cold stress in Medicago sativa L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19(10), 3169.

27.  Yang Yang, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Jun Xu, Xiaohu Wu, Suzhen Qi, Wenxian Liu, Yongquan Zheng. Thifluzamide affects lipid metabolism in zebrafish (Danio reio). Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 633, 1227-1236.

28.  韦兴?D, 李昱, 刘文献*, 金小煜, 闵学阳, 张正社, NdayambazaBoniface, 王彦荣*。大豆和百脉根古老原核基因的全基因组鉴定与比较分析。永利学报. 2018, 27(11):49-57.


29.  Zhengshe Zhang, Xueyang Min, Zefu Wang, Yanrong Wang, Zhipeng Liu*, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide development and utilization of novel intron-length polymorphic (ILP) markers in Medicago sativa. Molecular Breeding. 2017, 37(7):87.

30.  Xueyang Min, Zhengshe Zhang, Yisong Liu, Xingyi Wei, Zhipeng Liu, Yanrong Wang, Wenxian Liu*. Genome-wide development of microRNA-Based SSR markers in Medicago truncatula with their transferability analysis and utilization in related legume species. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2017, 18(11):2440.

31.  Wenxian Liu#, Conghui Xiong#, Longfeng Yan, Zhengshe Zhang, Lichao Ma, Yanrong Wang, Yajie Liu, Zhipeng Liu*. Transcriptome analyses reveal candidate genes potentially involved in Al stress response in Alfalfa. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017, 8(26):1-11.

32.  Rui Dong, Deke Dong, Dong Luo, Qiang Zhou, Xutian Chai, Wengang Xie, Wenxian Liu, Yang Dong, Yanrong Wang, Zhipeng Liu*. Transcriptome analyses reveal candidate pod shattering-associated genes involved in the pod ventral sutures of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017, 8(649):1-14.

33.  Deke Dong, Longfeng Yan, Rui Dong, Wenxian Liu, Yanrong Wang and Zhipeng Liu*. Evaluation and analysis of pod dehiscence factors in shatter-susceptible and shatter-resistant common vetch. Crop Science. 2017, 57(5): 2770-2776.

34.  Xiaoli Tao, Lichao Ma, Zhengshe Zhang, Wenxian Liu, Zhipeng, Liu*. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (Leguminosae). Gene Reports. 2017, 6:67-73.

35.  Xutian Chai, Rui Dong, Wenxian Liu, Yanrong Wang, Zhipeng Liu*. Optimizing Sample Size to Assess the Genetic Diversity in Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Populations Using Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) Markers. Molecules. 2017, 22(4).

36.  闵学阳,刘文献*,张正社,韦兴?D,齐晓,张义,刘志鹏,王彦荣*。苜蓿DUS测试标准品种SSR分子标记指纹图谱的构建。永利学报. 2017, 26(11):47-56.

37.  齐晓#,张正社#,闵学阳,孙启忠*刘文献*。紫花苜蓿bZIP基因家族的鉴定、进化及表达分析。永利科学. 2017, 34(18):1635-1648.

38.  齐晓,闵学阳,张正社,孙启忠*刘文献。紫花苜蓿响应低温胁迫转录因子的鉴定及表达分析。永利科学. 2017, 34(9):1824-1829.


39.  Wenxian Liu, Zhengshe Zhang, Shuangyan Chen, Lichao Ma, Hucheng Wang, Rui Dong, Yanrong Wang, Zhipeng Liu*. Global transcriptome profiling analysis reveals insight into saliva-responsive genes in alfalfa. Plant Cell Reports. 2016, 35 (3):561-571.

40.  Yang Yang, Wenxian Liu, Xiyan Mu, Suzhen Qi, Bin Fu, Chengju Wang*. Biological response of zebrafish embryos after short-term exposure to thifluzamide. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:38485.


41.   Wenxian Liu#, Xitao Jia#, Zhimin Liu, Zhengshe Zhang, Yanrong Wang*, Zhipeng Liu, Wengang Xie. Development and characterization of transcription factor gene-derived microsatellite (TFGM) markers in Medicago truncatula and their transferability in leguminous and non-leguminous species. Molecules. 2015, 20 (5):8759-8771.

42.  Zhengshe Zhang, Wenxian Liu*, Xiao Qi, Zhipeng Liu, Wengang Xie, Yanrong Wang*. Genome-wide identification, expression profiling, and SSR marker development of the bZIP transcription factor family in Medicago truncatula. Biochemical Systematics & Ecology. 2015, 61:218-228.

43.  Hongyan Di, Zhen Duan, Kai Luo, Daiyu Zhang, Fan Wu, Jiyu Zhang*, Wenxian Liu, Yanrong Wang. Interspecific phylogenic relationships within genus Melilotus based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA. Plos One. 2015, 10 (7):e0132596

44.  Wengang Xie*, Xuhong Zhao, Jianqan Zhang, Yanrong Wang, Wenxian Liu. Assessment of genetic diversity of Siberian wild rye (Elymus sibiricus L.) germplasms with variation of seed shattering and implication for future genetic improvement. Biochemical Systematics & Ecology. 2015, 58:211-218.

45.  刘志敏,刘文献*,贾喜涛,张正社,王彦荣. 蒺藜苜蓿LEA基因家族全基因组分析. 永利科学. 2015, 3(3):382-391.


46.   Wenxian Liu, Hongmei Zeng*, Zhipeng Liu, Xiufen Yang, Lihua Guo and Dewen Qiu*. Mutational analysis of the Verticillium dahliae protein elicitor PevD1 identifies distinctive regions responsible for hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. Microbiological Research. 2014, 169(5-6):476-482.

47.  Mingjia Chen, Caizhi Zhang, Qian Zi, Dewen Qiu, Wenxian Liu, Hongmei Zeng*. A novel elicitor identified from Magnaporthe oryzae triggers defense responses in tobacco and rice. Plant Cell Reports. 2014, 33:1865-1879.

48.  Wenxian Liu, Hualiang Liu, and Leqing Qu*. Embryo-specific expression of soybean oleosin altered oil body morphogenesis and increased lipid content in transgenic rice seeds. Theoretical and applied genetics. 2013, 126(9): 2289-2297.

49.  Lichao Ma, Yanrong Wang, Wenxian Liu, Zhipeng Liu*. Expression analysis of seed-specific genes in four angiosperm species with an emphasis on the unconserved expression patterns of homologous genes. Seed Science Research. 2013, 23(04):223-231.

50.  Wenxian Liu, Hualiang Liu, Zhijian Chai, Xiuping Xu, Yanru Song and Leqing Qu*. Evaluation of seed storage protein gene 5′-UTRs on enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2010, 121(7):1267-1274.

51.  Wenxian Liu, Weihua Liu, Jun Wu, Ainong Gao, Lihui Li*. Analysis of genetic diversity in natural populations of Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng using microsatellite (SSR) markers. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2010, 9(4):464-471.

52.  刘文献,刘志鹏,谢文刚,王彦荣. 脂肪酸及其衍生物对植物逆境胁迫的响应. 永利科学. 2014, 31(08):1556-1565.

53.  范树高,王彦荣*,张妙青,刘文献,谢文刚.禾本科牧草种子的落粒性. 永利科学. 2014, 30(9):1420-1427.

54.  贾喜涛,刘文献,谢文刚,刘志鹏,刘志敏,王彦荣*. 蒺藜苜蓿LBD转录因子基因家族全基因组分析. 西北植物学报. 2014, 34(10):2176-2178.

55.  刘文献,李立会,刘伟华,张正茂,吴振海,王成社. 华山新麦草居群取样策略的SSR 分析. 麦类作物学报. 2006, 26 (2):16-20.

56.  刘文献,李立会,刘伟华,李洪杰,王成社. 华山新麦草(Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng)的遗传多样性和居群分化研究. 2005年全国作物遗传育种学术研讨会暨中国作物学会分子育种分会成立大会论文集.

57.  曲乐庆,刘文献,李文静,董祥柏,徐秀苹,宋艳茹. 非编码序列对水稻种子中基因表达的调控作用. 2010, 植物分子生物学与现代农业——全国植物生物学研讨会论文摘要集.

58.  武军,赵继新,陈新宏,刘淑会,杨群慧,刘文献,魏芳琴,董剑,朱建楚. 普通小麦-华山新麦草衍生后代的细胞学特点及GISH分析. 麦类作物学报. 2007, 27(5):772-775.

59.  武军,赵继新,陈新宏,刘淑会,杨群慧,刘文献,魏芳琴,董剑,朱建楚. 普通小麦-华山新麦草二体附加植株减数分裂中期染色体行为及形态学分析. 西北农林科技大学学报 (自然科学版).2007, 35 (9):45-48.

60.  刘伟华,赵秀振,梁虹,刘文献,胡赞民,李立会. 枯草杆菌果聚糖酶基因转化小麦的研究.中国农业科学. 2006, 39 (2):231-236.



1. 刘文献,闵学阳,张正社,韦兴?D,王彦荣. 蒺藜苜蓿microRNA-SSR分子标记引物记载苜蓿品种鉴定中的应用。 国家发明专利。授权日期:2019年05月31日;专利号:ZL 2017 1 0027349.8

2. 刘文献,张正社,闵学阳,韦兴?D,王彦荣. 紫花苜蓿ILP分子标记引物及在苜蓿品种鉴定中的应用。国家发明专利。授权日期:2020年05月22日;专利号:ZL 2017 1 0027347.9

3. 刘文献,韦兴?D,金小煜,王彦荣. 箭?豌豆ILP分子标记引物及在品种鉴定中的应用。国家发明专利。授权日期:2020年07月14日;专利号:ZL 2019 1 0564317.0



1. 草品种真实性检验规程  SSR标记法,DB 62/T 4094—2020, 甘肃省市场监督管理局,刘文献,谢文刚,闵学阳,齐晓,邵麟惠,陈志宏,向金城。

2. Wenxian Liu, Xueyang Min, Yanrong Wang. Genome-wide development of microRNA-based SSR markers in Medicago truncatula with their transferability analysis and utilization in related legume species. F. de Bruijn, Ed., WileyBlackwell Publisher, Chichester, UK.



1.  2021年:“挑战杯”304am永利集团生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师

2.  2020年:304am永利集团2020年度“课程思政”示范课程讲课比赛二等奖。

3.  2020年:304am永利集团学生创新创业行动计划优秀指导教师。

4.  2019年:共同指导的博士生张正社同学获得“304am永利集团2018-2019学年优秀博士学位论文”。

5.  2019年:共同指导的博士生闵学阳同学获得“博士研究生国家奖学金”。

6.  2018年:共同指导的博士生张正社同学获得“博士研究生国家奖学金”。

7.  2017年:领跑者5000,中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(2017)。



